Experts that care

At Care Outcomes, we specialise in healthcare business strategy and consulting. Our mission is to provide personalised guidance and support to help healthcare businesses expand and thrive in a complex and rapidly changing industry.

We understand that navigating the complexities of healthcare can be challenging, especially for small to medium-sized businesses. That's why we're here to offer a helping hand. We will work closely with you to develop tailored solutions that meet your unique needs and objectives.

Our intent is to provide support on:

Taking an idea from thought to reality,

Updating your current Strategy to move your Business to the next level,

Sales, Key Account Management, Business Development through to Tendering & Sales Process definition,

Providing a framework for consistent and long-term execution,

Assisting when the dynamics require an adjustment to your businesses course, or

Transitioning/Exiting with a plan to ensure ongoing business continuity.

The journey we assist you with is ours to determine and reach.

CARE Approach

By applying the basic fundamentals of first listening and then using our CARE approach means that we prioritize understanding the needs and concerns of our clients before developing a plan of action. We believe that every client is unique and requires a customised approach. Therefore, we begin our process by actively listening to our clients and gaining a thorough understanding of their specific circumstances.

Once we have a clear understanding of our clients' needs, we then use our CARE approach to find the right path for our journey together to maximise value. CARE stands for Conceive our approach, after this we Assemble all the necessary facts, we then Reflect on the business environment and the impact on the various stakeholders before we Engage with the combined passion of your business with support from Care Outcomes to execute the course of action decided.

Meet Andy

The key to any business or personal journey is the ability to plot a path and adapt to ever-changing circumstances. This ideal underpins everything Andy believes and is ingrained in the ways of working at CARE Solutions.

Andy takes pride in embracing his cultural background and learning from the many roles and projects he's tackled over the years. But it's not just about knowledge and skills; it's also about tapping into the emotion and triumph of personal events, such as his involvement with the World's Greatest Shave (Leukaemia Foundation). With this well-rounded perspective, Andy is able to approach challenges with a unique and diverse mindset that supports the needs of his clients.

Of course, no one achieves anything alone. Throughout his career, Andy has been a part of many diverse teams with varying skills and backgrounds, all working together as a Team towards a common goal. It's important to give back to those in need, which is why he supports organizations like Make-A-Wish Australia. By keeping this spirit of teamwork and generosity in mind, Andy is able to approach his work with a sense of purpose and fulfilment.

At Care Outcomes, we believe that the little things make a big difference.